Art Comes First Launches New Website to Record Breaking Sales.
Who is Tiffani M Williams?
There are stationary aspects to this answer as well as forever evolving aspects to this answer.
I am New York native, I am a creative being, I am mother, I am a daughter, I am a friend, I am a sister, I am niece, I am a grand daughter, I am a mentor, I am a mentee, I am a stylist, I am a coffee shop owner, I am a lover, I am food enthusiast, I am excited for all other pieces of me unfolding ❤️
Growing up with two strong,vocal women (Mom and grandma) How did that shape your perspective and help you build your own voice?
Growing up with a strong & vocal Mother and Grandma,(have to include my Great Grandmother as well) shaped my perspective and voice; mainly through leading by example. Their existence and being motivated demanded that I take up space without fear. I have permission to be me, I have the divine right to be fearless. I feel very fortunate that I have them.
It appears that music has had a very strong influence on how you view the world and express yourself—If that’s correct, can you expand on that?
Music has had a very strong influence on my life, and how I view the world and express myself. Unsure of where this quote came from but I read that music is how we decorate time. I could not agree more! Music has an essence that allows emotions or spirits to be expressed without words and that’s a gift. Low key,I think I am a DJ. Growing up, every Thursday, on my Mom’s payday, she would take me to go buy records. Then we would go to Moody Records on White Plains Rd to get the latest tapes from Jamaica… this was routine. My Grandmother still has an extensive record collection. I would say that there was another core memory that help shaped my love affair with music, my step father- Rashid, he played the saxophone in a Reggae band. Watching him from a creators standpoint made me respect its powers.
What did you grow up on and what are you listening to now?
I grew up listening to reggae by default, but all types of music was played in my household; Hip Hop, Soca, Calypso, Country, R&B, Jazz. Right now my friends laugh at me, because I listen to my music on shuffle. It’s rare that I make a playlist for my own solo listening. It’s always my mood to be free and go where the music takes me.
This past week in my shuffle I have listened to Pinchers Radio at Lovelane, Project Pat, just discovered a band named Metamorphosis, Some Willie the Kid, Wild Cookie, Protojoe…. Ezra my son loves MF Doom so that has become a staple as he develops his own musical soundscape.
Your looks are always strong, yet soft—boyish yet very feminine. What do you want the world to know about you through your style or if we were to step into your closet?
What I would like the world to know through my style, by stepping into my closet is so layered. There isn’t one thing that can explain how I approach my own style. I live in the in-between, find interest and passion in the tension between opposites. I like to express myself with pieces that I have collected over time from sample sales, travels, custom, or even that impulsive purchase that I made because I found something that I love. Right now my style is evolving, I go through these periods when I am shedding an old version of myself. What its evolving to, we all have to wait and see.
Love Lane the coffee experience is your new venture. Tell us more about WHY you launched it and what more can we expect from that?
Why I launched Lovelane…… such a loaded question. For years I have been wanting another business, and legacy has also been a strong motivator in my life. Food has always been a gathering point for my family… The opportunity for the space presented itself, and it quickly allowed me to imagine. Lovelane was birthed as a love child to marry food, art, culture, music, while holding a space for people to meet and feel welcomed.