Max Poglia is a Sharper Mind to Cut Through.
Being raised and surrounded by women throughout my younger years, I never saw the so-called “weakness” in them. Seeing men and fathers around me taking the easy way out, not really facing reality was something I also noticed. Both views have had its effect on how I view men and women, how men and women categorize themselves, and how men and women categorize each other.
Being “manly” is mostly defined by the way you look, carry yourself, and how “dominant”’ one behaves. I never understood how men took ownership of the definition. Women in my eyes are always strong, if not stronger than most men I’ve encountered. So, I have always photographed women with a powerful masculine energy. Intimidating, strong, statuesque, and larger than life. Me being a man, I know this “male energy” all too well, and I always aimed to use it when it came to documenting women.