Max Poglia is a Sharper Mind to Cut Through.
BKc + Graphic designer Andrew Cunningham
Photography: Carlos Jaramillo
After years of shaping their presence in the industry with their trademark varsity jackets, oxfords shirts, hand painted chinos and unmistakable styling. The Brooklyn Circus launches their spring/summer 2016 season with a collection of beautifully designed classic t-shirts by veteran graphic designer Andrew Cunningham.
Launched in 2006 as an extension to their multi branded clothing store, The Brooklyn Circus in house private label quickly became the most sought after product in the Bergen street flagship store, Japan, Korea, Europe as well as their San Francisco outpost. The t-shirts serve as a canvas and entry point into the brand, with varsity jackets being the most sought after items that continue to tell the graphic stories that have become a trademark of the brand.