You recently moved to LA- how has that transition been to your process? How’s LA to a west coat creative Brooklynite?
The move to LA was a HUGE leap for me. I was fresh off the BidenHarris2020 presidential campaign and living in Brooklyn. Technically unemployed, lease coming to an end… I had nothing tying me down to NYC. And additionally, nothing to lose. I’ve always wanted to “try” California, and so I did. When people ask me why I moved to LA, I often tell them “because I wanted to,” and let the discomfort of that succinct, unexpected answer linger. It was really that simple.
Living in LA forced me to lean into myself. And now. I’m celebrating my first year down.
I realized how much texture and story exists in New York; the noise, congestion, the foot traffic, the characters, the “everything’s open late late,” music blasting from the speakers of cars, the buildings, the canopied blocks of Brooklyn, the “AYO!”s, the BLACK PEOPLE. And not to say any of that doesn’t exist in LA, but in NYC, all of that is right up against you.
LA affords you SPACE. Which is extremely valuable, if you use it correctly. Ie, explore, soak up some vitamin D, enjoy the pink, orange, and purple sunsets, take a drive up the PCH. Sit still.
The hustle of NYC will always keep you ahead of the curve. The vibe of LA gives you the space to breathe.